2 months have left until the 100th anniversary of the Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan. By this date, the authorities promise to erect a monument to the famous pilot in the Crimean capital. The erection of the monument aroused the indignation of many Crimean Tatars, when the authorities suddenly decided to erect a monument in an inconspicuous square between Kirov Ave and Pionersky lane, and not in the center of the square named after Amet-Khan Sultan, as previously thought. And not according to the project of the architect Zarema Nagayeva, which was approved more than 10 years ago, but according to the new project of the sculptor Ayder Aliyev. Despite the decision of the authorities, the author of the first project, Zarema Nagaeva, continues to work on her project and is trying to make the authorities allow to allocate a plot in the center of the square.
2 months have left until the 100th anniversary of the Hero of the Soviet Union Amet Khan Sultan